Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I rode to the reservoir yesterday, which means I rode over 60 miles in a Friday to Monday period. Go me! Unfortunately, I probably ate every single calorie that I burned this weekend. Holidays always get me like that.

Today I'm taking the day off from exercise, but I did stick to points all day so that feels good. I even cut down on the Chewy Peps. I still had a few, but I'm making progress. Tomorrow I'm going to try a day without any sugar. I think its going to be hard because I know that even though I keep my calories fairly low most of the time, I'm still completely addicted to sugar.

I've tried low carb diets like Atkins before and I know how hard the initial sugar withdrawal can be, and I always fall off of the wagon if I restrict myself too much. So I'm not going to do that, but I am going to work on cutting out the sugar. It's just wasted calories that I don't really need. I can have a piece of fruit instead.

I do need to keep carbs in my diet, especially with all of the riding I've been doing. I even need some simple sugars sometimes in the middle of a ride. This does not mean ice cream after dinner. Nope. A little treat once in a while is fine. But I've become accustomed to dessert after dinner and that is just not going to work.

So tomorrow is just one day without sugar. Wish me luck.

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