Thursday, March 30, 2006


Wassup. So the boy and I bought this crab-stuffed sole for dinner and I thought it was going to be really good. It wasn't. Oh well. I ended up eating mostly broccoli and risotto. Which is fine; at least it was a lot of veggies and low-fat risotto. I feel good about it.

In fact, this week has been going well. I was down 3 lbs, so I lost what I gained last week plus another two. Woohoo! And if all goes well I'm on track to lose again for my weigh in on Tuesday as well. I guess that really all depends on this weekend of course, but I think I'm on track anyway. We'll see.

As far as the no junk challenge goes; I haven't been perfect, I must admit. I had four mini-Hershey bars at work today. I have no idea what possessed me to eat them either. It was completely mindless. And stupid. I wish I didn't do it. Other than that, things are okay. I've been eating lots of salads and veggies and I'm still laying off the wheat. It is seriously tough though. Toes are still a little swollen but feeling okay. All in all, feeling okay. Hope you guys are too.

1 comment:

TOWR said...

Sounds like things are going well!!!!
Congrats on the loss!