Sunday, August 28, 2005


I'm having a hard time right now. Friends in town from D.C. and I've let my eating go to shit. Literally. I ate a bad Mexican dinner last night. I drank too much. I ate pizza late night. These are the old habits from college that led to a seemingly neverending weight gain.

I just can't seem to find that place where I'm completely dedicated to my eating. I'm still doing well with working out. But the food thing isn't so easy. Friends are leaving town tomorrow, and the boy is going on business travel this week as well. Hopefully this week will be a chance for me to get back on track.

I guess I didn't even post my normal Friday weigh in. I gained 1.5 lbs to put me back at 185.5. It sucks. In the past six weeks I basically haven't lost any weight. I'm going to struggle to take off even a few pounds for Renee's challenge.

I'll try to post again when I'm in a better mood. Right now I'm just really down.

1 comment:

K said...

"I just can't seem to find that place where I'm completely dedicated to my eating. I'm still doing well with working out. But the food thing isn't so easy."

I agree completely. Don't know why it should be easier to exercise than to eat well - possibly because exercising is something you actively do, whereas so much of healthy eating seems to be junk-avoidance. (I had nearly three months of the numbers not changing recently, so I can sympathise with your annoyance. I have got smaller though, if not much lighter. All that exercise will be doing something even if the numbers don't always reflect it...)

Also, it can't be denied that it is very, very hard to go out with your friends and not eat and drink the same things they do. I don't go out all that often, so I'm OK with allowing myself the occasional day off - I know one glass of wine or one plate of pasta won't wreck the whole week. But if several occasions come together I'll be sunk!

I hope you feel better soon, and best of luck for getting back to the program. I'm sure you can do it!