Monday, August 01, 2005

Road Trip Wrap Up

Back from the road trip. And I confess, I definitely ate waaaaay too much and didn't work out at all. I did stick to my goal of eating a salad or veggies with almost every meal except for on two occasions. One was Taco Villa, where I had to have my bean burrito, and one was yesterday on the road. Our choices for lunch were McDonald's or Dairy Queen, and I hate giving McDonald's money, in fact up until earlier this summer I hadn't eaten there in almost two years. But that's another story. Anyway we went to Dairy Queen and I made the not so great choice of the chicken strip basket. It wasn't even good. I ended up mostly just eating Cheez-It's in the car yesterday. Which obviously wasn't good either.

And I definitely didn't make the "only two desserts goal." What is it about vacations and trips that just destroys all good-eating resolve I have? I can't seem to focus when I'm not sleeping in my own bed, when I don't have a routine to stick to. I brought my workout clothes. But did I even take a walk? No. Instead I ate the cookies my stepmom made and drank margaritas and was just gluttonous. And I'm sure I'll be paying for it on the scale. I was definitely paying this morning during my workout. Usually I do 45 minutes on the elliptical, and while I push myself to make it difficult, this morning it was all I could do to make 35 minutes. Ugh. And I know it's because all of the crap I put into my body this weekend.

The good news is, I now know exactly how my body responds to this type of treatment, and I know how it responds when I treat it well. I don't want to feel sluggish, tired and depressed because I've eaten so many sugary and fatty foods. I want that energetic, elated feeling I get when I've been eating clean and working out and I'm seeing the numbers go down.

I'm still focusing on Renee's challenge, and this week I'm going to hit it hardcore. No alcohol all week. I know I've said before I don't like depriving myself of specific foods, but I need to detox a little. And I'm stepping up the workouts a bit, maybe even doing two-a-days for a few days in here. I want to at least maintain my 185.5 number this week, and I don't know if I'm going to be able to do that without kicking some ass. My labor day goal is still 175.5 and if I want to make that I need to get in gear. Is this all your typical Monday morning blather? Maybe. Probably. But I don't care. I mean it.

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